Writing Madness Consolation Bracket #1 – Commas!

The first round of our Writing Madness bracket has concluded, which left us with eight writing issues that won’t be participating in the next round of voting. The Learning Hub’s writing staff have picked four of these eight, and over the next week we will be presenting them along with specific resources to help you overcome your frustrations with them. First up? Commas!

by James

The mysterious, perplexing, and maddening comma.  When do we use it?  When do we not use it?  It is a strange little piece of punctuation which helps avoid accidental cannibalism.  What do I mean?  Well consider this phrase “let’s eat, Grandma”.  Pretty harmless no?  Well take out the comma and the sentence becomes “let’s eat Grandma”.  Seeing as eating elders is frowned upon in our society you can see why the comma is important.  Yet, sometimes, it is hard, to tell, how many commas, one should use.  Clearly that sentence had too many.  For more information regarding commas please take a look at our handout below.  Despite being rather mystifying comma’s are not nearly as maddening as Citations, which was one of this week’s winners.  Check in soon for the next round or Writing Madness!

If you click on the link below, it will take you to our home site, where you can check out other resources to improve your writing skills and prepare you for academic, professional, and civic writing.

UIS The Learning Hub Handouts

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